We had begun potty training Aurelia before she hit 2 years old. See, she was doing amazing at this younger age with potty training. At the time she wanted to be a big girl and was ready to GO! It was going so well, I couldn't imagine all these mommies and daddies complaining about having issues.
I had ideas running through my mind of my baby genius and her eventual journey to Dean's list at M.I.T.
It was going so smooth...
until we moved.
Suddenly, she refused the potty. She was afraid of anything potty-like. I did some research and found out that moving at such an important time was
just about the worst thing we could do. However, I had hope it would pass quickly once she felt like this new home was her home
All the younger kids in the family began to pass her by and rid themselves of diapers. She would get motivated by seeing a cousin using the potty, for a day or two. Then her smaller infant cousins would visit and she'd immediately revert. "No mommy, I'm a BABY, not a big girl!". It wasn't two steps forward, one step backwards.
It was 2 steps forward, 10 steps backward then a tumble down the stairs in my mind.
Stubborn like her dad! |
We tried numerous training diapers for motivation, new training potty's, potty training videos, massive amounts of encouragement and no complaining. Nothing worked. Eventually I sat back and enjoyed the ride. Family would ask why we hadn't potty trained her yet. It was followed by
that look that rivals the looks given to child abusers and mass murderers. In there minds we were awful parents. I shrugged and told them to back off.
She'd let me know when she was ready.
Fast forward till after her third birthday (way after). One morning she says to me "Mommy, I have to go to potty". She was no longer comfortable using her diaper for two-sies. This went on for a few weeks, although she still wore diapers and had NO intention of peeing on the potty right away. I knew she was ready, and I also knew that
pushing her could blow up in our faces.
My aunt-in-law and I went out and purchased her TONS of cute(read: expensive) underwear. Ones with special characters she likes, or designs and bows. We, as a family, made a HUGE deal about how cute they were. Aurelia got so excited about them, so excited she wanted to wear them right away.
Aurelia made it through the first week with only one or two accidents. She'd ask for a diaper sometimes and I'd offer her options. I'd bring down the most undesigned-lame looking diaper and a super designed pair of undies. "You pick" I'd say to her. Usually the underwear won, but not always. However, she was so happy about using the potty she'd rip off the diaper herself and use it. A week or so after that she was wearing underwear from wakeup until bedtime with no problems.
My father offered up some advice. He said to me
soon she'll be asking to wear underwear to bed, let her. Let her take the reigns and run with them - so to speak. He was right, she was ready! That night she asked to wear undies to bed, and so I let her. We woke up nice and dry in the morning. I was so happy, I went to high-five her and she gave me a weird look, and kept walking.
At that moment, I knew she was thinking 'are you crazy mom, it's what I'm supposed to be doing'.
We have been diaper free and accident free 24/7 for a week now.